Remote laboratories for research, formation, and training. A proposal to integrate the scenarios, real and virtual, through the development of 4 platforms of remote laboratories, physical laboratories, and virtual presence accessed through telepresence systems and real time teleoperation. This laboratory is integrated by 4 platforms: Smart grid, power electronics, energy and power measurement, and electric motors and generators infrastructure, to optimize these platforms through MOOC courses.
Smart Grids Laboratories (Smart Networks of Distribution)
Training laboratory specialized on smart electronic grids (Smart grids) for analyzing the operation and any problems in the distribution networks of the electronic energy. This laboratory will allow experimental analysis of the electric phenomenon present in the network, from the generation stage to the final consumer one.
Laboratory of Electronic Control of Power
Laboratory of analysis and training on the use of electric converters of power for the transformation and control of electric energy. The laboratory’s infrastructure will allow experimental research of experimental electric converters of broad usage in the industry and renewable energy systems such as: Voltage invertors, Z invertors, Back to back converters, and Matrix converters.
Laboratory for Measurement and Monitoring of Electric Energy and Power
Advanced laboratory for the research of theories of electric power and the correct characterization of the physical phenomenon of low power under different charge conditions, and under extreme distortion conditions, as well as, the measurement and monitoring of the efficient usage in the consumption and quality of the electric energy.
Laboratory of Electric Motors and Generators
Laboratory of training of AC and DC Electric Motors and Generators and characterization of the basic electric machines. Experimental study of the dynamic models of the electric machines, vectorial models in complex spaces and analysis of power under conditions of unbalance and distortion. Studies of the energetic behavior and efficiency of the electric machines under different charge conditions.
The National Remote Laboratories are operating through the website: RemoteLabs.mty.itesm.mx
The MOOC Lab Platform - Remote Lab for mass use is operating through the website: MOOCLab.mty.itesm.mx