Smart Decision Models for the management of energetic sustainability
To boost collaboration among national and international higher education institutions, research networks, energy field companies, and non-governmental organisms, through identification of projects to develop scientific and technological capacities for the creation and use of simulation models employed in decision-making models based on evidence applied to the energetic sector.
- Provide a platform for the elaboration of proposals for new research projects about the creation and use of decision-making models in the energy field based on analysis and visualization of data applied in Centers for Decision-Making.
- Boost the bonding of the project “Technological platform for Decision-Making” with the academic community, scientific, companies, and non-governmental organizations.
- Exchange and spread scientific and academic information from the project “Technological platform for Decision-Making”.
- Development of methods and tools for the execution and visualization of models that may support in the process of decision-making based on evidence.
- Development of three cases of use on models of prospective in the behavior, consumption, and new business opportunities in the Mexican energy field.
Network Members
- Tecnológico de Monterrey, Dr. José Martín Molina Espinosa, Director of the National Network of Decision-Making Center.
- Laboratorio Nacional de Políticas Públicas, Dr. Eduardo Sojo Garza-Aldape, Director.
- Secretaría de Energía - Dirección de Planeación e Información Energéticas, Dr. Rafael Alexandri Rionda, Director.
- Tecnológico de la Laguna, Dr Marco Arjona, Researcher.
- Arizona State University: Jon Miller, Director, ASU Decision Theater
- Laboratorio Nacional de Berkeley: Michael McNeil, Deputy Leader, International Energy Studies Group
For More Information.
If you are willing to participate in this initiative or to obtain more information you may contact us directly here:
Dr. José Martín Molina Espinosa
Director de la Red Nacional de Centros para la Toma de Decisiones
Escuela de Ingeniería y Ciencias
Tecnológico de Monterrey
Cuernavaca Ciudad de México
Calle del Puente 222
Ejidos de Huipulco
14380, Tlalpan
Ciudad de México
Tel. +52-55-5483-2020 ext 1559