Smart Technology for the value chain of energy.
Creation of research capacities in smart technology for the value chain of energy through the formation of research networks with multidisciplinary groups, inter-institutional and international, focused on research lines relevant to energetic sustainability, with the participation of professors, researchers, postgraduates, and postgraduate students.
- Advanced technologies to allow a higher penetration of renewable resources in distribution systems and micro networks.
Researchers: Tecnológico de Monterrey-ASU - Technological challenges to integrate generation of renewable energy in the Mexican grid.
Researchers: Tecnológico de Monterrey – UCB. - Market restructuration, efficiency and integration of renewable energies to the electric field in Mexico.
Researchers: Tecnológico de Monterrey – UCB
- Definition and contact of the key members of the network and the representatives of objective audience.
- Organization and realization of the first meeting.
For further information.
If you are willing to participate in this initiative, please contact:
Dr. Alberto Mendoza Domínguez